
Showing posts from November, 2018

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Dinner...focus on the rest of the year.

What I’m Working On Happy Thanksgiving!   To me it appears that retailers have now completely overlooked Thanksgiving as a holiday.   As soon as we hit September the Halloween accessories hit the market, then November 1 st its all about Christmas.   For me, Thanksgiving is the holiday I most look forward to.   You don’t have the pressure to be in “the Christmas spirit”, you don’t have to find that perfect gift and go from house to house to house doing it all over again.   No, I am not Mr. Grinch ; I just like Thanksgiving and yes, the food.   And food is my motivation to write today. My email inbox is full of blog posts with advice of how to cope with the temptations of this holiday season.   Practice moderation, add this healthy substitute, and all sorts of “don’t do this.”   It’s the holidays!!! Eat up and enjoy.   My motto for this time of year has always been: It’s not what you eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it’s what you eat between Christmas and Thanksgiving that

Day 4 What I’m proud of

I am not a prolific reader.  It’s a chore, I fall asleep because my brain is going faster than I can get the words and concepts to it.  Never read much outside of assignments in school.  So my writing has reflected that.  Short, not much on the extra verbiage side either.  That has gotten me in trouble or at least undermined my efforts when doing presentations or corrispondence.  So why this admission now.  Ive been thinking about the prompt for yesterday actually and feel this can be a two word essay today.  My Kids.  But that isn’t what the intent of this exercise is, correct?  Well for parent there isn’t much else that can eclipse seeing your kids grow up and succeed.  Sure there are other things I have done and can say I am proud of but they cant compare to your children. Each day we get a prompt and they ask you to set a goal of writing 100 words.  Hu...100 words is that like breaking 100 in golf or running a marathon under 4 hours...a noble goal but way out of reach for some and

Day 3 What do people thank you for?

Well, first day I fell short of keeping up the daily writhing routine.  I can always call today as day one.  Or not.  However, no excuses and we move forward. If I didnt get paid to do something what would that be???  Well Ive basically been riding my bike full time for 40 years and not getting paid to do that. Ha. But that is where I get some if my greatest satisfaction.  The interaction of working with someone, but its not just the...I want to help you thing either.  I cant put it into words.  This summer I had the opportunity to go to India.  Yes I did get paid but that was a side from the experience and friends I made.

Day 2 Create Accountabilty

Yup I know how much having to answer to someone can help you reach your goals.  That is what I feel is the biggest benefit from having a coach and that is what I tell all my perspective athletes.  Now every coach knows this too, we dont often listen to our own advice.  So the hurdle for me with his is finding someone who will keep me going on this endeavor.  I have a couple of ideas.

Day 1 writing prompt...My Story...the short version

Not sure actually how to begin.  I saw a few TED talks while doing a binge day after recovering from elbow surgery.  Scott Dinsmore struck some interest so I discided to check out his website and sign up.  Yes I am not 100% satisfied with what I am doing with my life so maybe this will be the fist step in moving toward the direction that suites me better. I am in my mid 50's have a passion for sports, coaching and helping people.  I am NOT a detailed person and that sometimes can be frustrating to me and I am sure the people I work with.  I consider my self a multi-potentialite see Emilie Wapnick's TED talk That and reading Tim Farris the 4 hour work week is what go me going.  So this is my first step.  BTW...this is just a brain dump.  I have no intention to edit and probably not in the future. Lost my train of thoughts for today...interrupted by the dogs...done...TTFN