Day 1 writing prompt...My Story...the short version

Not sure actually how to begin.  I saw a few TED talks while doing a binge day after recovering from elbow surgery.  Scott Dinsmore struck some interest so I discided to check out his website and sign up.  Yes I am not 100% satisfied with what I am doing with my life so maybe this will be the fist step in moving toward the direction that suites me better.
I am in my mid 50's have a passion for sports, coaching and helping people.  I am NOT a detailed person and that sometimes can be frustrating to me and I am sure the people I work with. 

I consider my self a multi-potentialite see Emilie Wapnick's TED talk
That and reading Tim Farris the 4 hour work week is what go me going.  So this is my first step.  BTW...this is just a brain dump.  I have no intention to edit and probably not in the future.

Lost my train of thoughts for today...interrupted by the dogs...done...TTFN


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